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CBD, HHC, H4CBD: How do they differ and what they have in common?

CBD, HHC, H4CBD: How do they differ and what they have in common?

So far, scientists have identified more than 100 cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant, and new cannabinoids are also being developed in laboratories. You've heard of CBD, but HHC and H4CBD are a big unknown to you? Do you want to know how they are produced, what effects they have and in what form they are offered? Our overview will help you navigate these cannabinoids.

Sticks of technical cannabis next to a glass bottle of H4CBD distillate, cannabis capsules and a cannabis leaf

What is H4CBD?

You may have come across mentions of H4CBD on the internet - a hydrogenated cannabinoid sometimes described as hundreds of times more potent than CBD. And it's this information that has started to garner so much attention and cause a bit of a stir. In this article, we'll take a closer look at this new cannabinoid. Wondering what H4CBD is, what effects it has and how it compares to CBD? Find the answers in the article.