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6 proven Christmas gift tips for women: Give joy, health, beauty and harmony

6 proven Christmas gift tips for women: Give joy, health, beauty and harmony

Do you want to spoil the women in your neighborhood with this year's gift under the tree? Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to express your affection. Do you have no idea what products to choose? Then you've come to the right place. We bring you tips on Christmas gifts for the special women in your life. Whether you're looking for gift inspiration for mom, grandma, girlfriend or mother-in-law, we have a gift for everyone at Canatura.

Inspiration for Christmas gifts for mom: Give the gift of peace and health

Inspiration for Christmas gifts for mom: Give the gift of peace and health

Mothers, the most important women in our lives. They are the ones who create an unforgettable Christmas, full of love, laughter and family comfort. We want your mum to find the best surprise under the tree. That's why we've put together 5 tips for Christmas gifts that will promote balance, rest and relaxation.

Cannabis sown

Sown cannabis: What are its effects and uses?

Demonized by some, loved by others. In any case, sown cannabis is currently the subject of extensive scientific research. Although it has traditionally been used as a technical plant for carpet or paper production, it has also been used for a variety of health problems. In this article, we will look at what specific uses or effects cannabis has.

Travelling with HHC in Europe: Which countries allow HHC and which do not?

Travelling with HHC in Europe: Which countries allow HHC and which do not?

HHC is causing a big "halo" across Europe. Do you like products containing HHC and wonder if you can travel with this cannabinoid in Europe? Do you want to know what the situation is like in Germany, Poland, Austria or Croatia? Read the article and get practical tips on travelling with HHC before you head abroad.

Reviews of CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum capsules: we tested 5 Czech brands

Reviews of CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum capsules: we tested 5 Czech brands

Sie möchten CBD- oder CBG-Kapseln ausprobieren, wissen aber nicht, für welches Produkt Sie sich entscheiden sollen? Das kann ich verstehen, denn es gibt derzeit viele Hersteller auf dem Cannabismarkt, so dass es nicht einfach ist, das richtige Produkt zu wählen. Deshalb habe ich in letzter Zeit verschiedene CBD-Kapseln ausprobiert, um meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit dir zu teilen und dir eine Vorstellung von den Vor- und Nachteilen zu geben. In diesem Test habe ich mich auf 4 Vollspektrum-Kapseln mit CBD und CBG und 1 Breitspektrum-Tablette von tschechischen Marken konzentriert. Und ich muss sagen, dass einige von ihnen mich mit ihrer Wirkung buchstäblich umgehauen haben.

What does cellulite look like?

Does CBD help with cellulite? 4 steps to remove cellulite fast

Although cellulite is a completely natural phenomenon, what are we going to say - nobody likes it and nobody wants it on their body. According to statistics, approximately 90% of women and only 10% of men will experience cellulite in their lifetime. In this article, we'll break down what cellulite is, how it arises and where it occurs. Does CBD help cellulite? We look at 4 steps to remove cellulite quickly and introduce oils and peels. Are you ready to take on the battle against pesky orange skin?

Exploring the cannabis plant, what is THCJD

The cannabinoid THCJD: What are its effects and how does it differ from other cannabinoids?

New or "rediscovered" cannabinoids are constantly being discovered, so it may be hard for you to keep up with all the news. That's why we're here to keep you informed. Today we're going to introduce you to another member of the "new cannabinoid" category, a compound that goes by the name THCJD. What is its structure and effects? How does it differ from THC or THCP?

Statins and their effect on the endocannabinoid system

Statins and their effect on the endocannabinoid system

More and more people are struggling with high cholesterol all over. Czech patients are also struggling with it. In medical practice, there are a number of options to lower cholesterol levels in the body. Doctors often turn to statins, which can interrupt the production of cholesterol inside the cell. But like other medications, statins have a variety of side effects.

A man researches the cannabis plant cannabinoid THCH

What is THCH? Production, effects, risks and comparison with other cannabinoids

Cannabis is a fascinating, mysterious and complex plant. Whenever scientists try to unravel its mysteries, new discoveries are made. And the latest discovery includes the minor cannabinoid THCH. It's said to be another powerful cannabinoid with psychoactive properties. In this article, we'll explore what THCH is, how it's produced, its effects, risks, and how it compares to THC, THCP, and THCV.

A gloved hand holding a covid-19 test kit

Postcovid syndrome: Will CBD relieve pain, insomnia and anxiety?

Did you take Covid-19 several months ago and still struggle with fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, anxiety or trouble concentrating? Then you may be suffering from post-covid syndrome. What is it, what symptoms does it have, and how can you effectively combat it? Can CBD help?
