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Industrial hemp: effects, uses and growing conditions

Classification of industrial hemp

Some might think that industrial hemp is a form of marijuana, but this is not the case. The difference between technical hemp and marijuana lies mainly in the amount of THC, which, according to current Czech legislation, must not exceed 1% in the case of technical hemp.

In the European area, technical hemp must be included in the so-called Common List of authorised varieties of cannabis. Officials are tasked with revising this list annually and it is therefore very easy to consult.



How to identify technical hemp?

Industrial hemp can grow up to four metres tall and has a strong and resistant stem. The leaves have a very specific shape with long, slender lobes and a bright green colour. The flowers are far less conspicuous than those of THC-rich cannabis and are mainly concentrated at the top of the plant. The filaments are strong, but vary in diameter depending on the variety chosen.

Interestingly, European farmers can receive various subsidies for registered, and therefore authorised, varieties. The reason is quite simple. This agricultural crop contains a whole range of beneficial substances.

Uses of industrial hemp

Industrial hemp has a wide range of possible uses. It is an excellent plant for organic farming. It prevents the growth of weeds and, according to farmers, it does not usually need to be treated with problematic herbicides.

For example, it has a role in:

  • Food
  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Alternative energy
  • Cosmetics


Textile industry

Industrial hemp has excellent thermoregulating properties, which is why it is also ideal for the production of textiles. Compared to cotton, which is often used, it has about four times the yield and does not need to be fertilised much. Technical hemp fibres are inherently antibacterial and people sweat far less.

Construction and food industry

But it also has its importance in the construction sector. Hemp masonry easily insulates noise and heat. It is resistant to mould, insects, fire and rodents.

We must not forget the food sector, either, as hemp oil or flour is produced from the hulled hemp seed. Technical hemp seed has an irresistible taste similar to hazelnut. However, only the plant without the flower (apex) can be used for food purposes.

Cosmetics and alternative energy

Industrial hemp is also used to produce biofuels. An example is the aforementioned hemp oil, which can be used as fuel for diesel engines. Compared to traditional fossil fuels, hemp oil reduces greenhouse gas emissions and is therefore also good for the environment. Excess biological material from hemp, so-called hemp biomass, can be used to generate heat and electricity.

Hemp oil also has an important place in cosmetics. Thanks to its essential fatty acids, it is particularly beneficial for the human skin. The minerals and oxidants in it can help to reduce inflammation and contribute to overall hydration.



How can I grow technical hemp legally?

The handling of industrial hemp is still under the control of public authorities. Specifically, the Ministry of Health, which issues the necessary permits for this purpose. However, technical hemp can be cultivated without the obligation to notify, on an area of up to 100 m2.

Technical hemp growers are thus subject to similar regulations as poppy growers. They have to report the size of their areas, prove the origin of the seed and report the results of their harvest. Czech growers are also required to regularly report the start of the flowering period.

At least one third of the total area should be physically inspected each year and one third of all growers should also be inspected. Such frequent and regular checks are intended to provide the necessary verification of the THC content of the plants grown.

When to harvest technical hemp?

Harvesting of industrial hemp is a moment that every grower probably really looks forward to. However, it is important to get the timing right. Seed sellers, who usually give the approximate time themselves, also help. The right time to harvest is usually when most of the pistils on the plant have darkened and curled up.

The great thing about industrial hemp is that the harvest can usually be fully utilised. However, harvesting often requires special harvesting techniques. The hemp fields are very dense and up to seven metres high. Harvesting must therefore be carried out using special machinery, which also makes the whole process more expensive.

What are the effects of industrial hemp?

Industrial hemp is rich in cannabidiol (CBD), which is used as a supportive therapy for chronic pain or inflammatory diseases. Many of its effects are related to its ability to interact with the endocannabidiol system (ECS). The ECS regulates various bodily functions such as movement, memory, mood and appetite. It consists of enzymes, endocannabinoids and receptors. CBD affects these enzymes and receptors.

The effects of CBD are reported to include:

  • relief of pain and inflammation
  • boosting the immune system
  • alleviating skin problems
  • recovery from physical stress
  • mood regulation
  • improving sleep quality

Cannabidiol is commonly available in the form of oils. In them, either CBD-rich hemp extract (other cannabinoids are also present) or just purified CBD (without other cannabinoids) is dissolved. Capsules, flowers, CBD vapesCBD patches or cosmetics are also available.

What are the nutritional values of cannabis?

The reason for the huge popularity of technical hemp is the very interesting nutritional values. A single seed of industrial hemp is rich in vitamins A, D or E. In addition to iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium or high protein and fatty acid content, as proven by various scientific studies abroad.

Prospects for industrial hemp

It is clear that industrial hemp could have a great future. It has applications in industry, alternative energy and agriculture. It enriches the soil and protects it from erosion. However, it also has beneficial effects for the human skin, thanks to its unique minerals or antioxidants.



Author: Canatura

Photo: Shutterstock

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