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CBD - Help with disease

Statins and their effect on the endocannabinoid system

Statins and their effect on the endocannabinoid system

More and more people are struggling with high cholesterol all over. Czech patients are also struggling with it. In medical practice, there are a number of options to lower cholesterol levels in the body. Doctors often turn to statins, which can interrupt the production of cholesterol inside the cell. But like other medications, statins have a variety of side effects.

Histamine intolerance: what is it and what effect can CBD have?

Histamine intolerance: what is it and what effect can CBD have?

Histamine intolerance is a condition where the body produces too much histamine or cannot process it fast enough. This can lead to various symptoms such as migraines, rashes, inflammation and digestive problems. What is histamine? What are the symptoms of histamine tolerance and how is treatment, which foods are appropriate and which are inappropriate? What effect can CBD have? Find out in the article.

Natural antidepressants without prescription: Do they exist or not?

Natural antidepressants without prescription: Do they exist or not?

The number of people suffering from psychological disorders is constantly growing. The consumption of prescription antidepressants is rising hand in hand with this. However, not everyone is comfortable with pharmaceuticals, and like any medication, antidepressants come with possible side effects. Can we look to nature for help? Is there even such a thing as natural antidepressants? And can CBD contribute to psychological well-being?

CBD and plantar fasciitis

CBD and plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of a painful heel. In many cases, it occurs along with a heel spur, a relatively small bony growth, but one that can cause great distress. With the growing awareness of cannabis extracts and their effect against inflammation and pain, the question becomes: can CBD help in this case too? 

A few drops of CBD oil directly into the ear. Yes or no?

A few drops of CBD oil directly into the ear. Yes or no?

More and more people are considering cannabidiol as a supportive crutch for various health problems. Some effects have already been confirmed, others are unclear. Ears and the problems associated with them belong to the latter group. Can you put a few drops of CBD oil directly into your ear canal?

Can you take antidepressants and CBD?

Can you take antidepressants and CBD?

A large number of people today suffer from depression, according to some estimates, up to around twenty percent of the population. On the one hand, there are antidepressants, on the other hand, natural products, and among them CBD. Is it possible to take them together, or can their effects interfere with each other and is it not advisable to combine them?

Does CBD relieve reflux?

Does CBD relieve reflux?

Regular use of cannabidiol can have positive effects on human health. While some effects have already been confirmed, others require further research and testing to say for sure that CBD intake makes sense. Does this include reflux?

Can CBD direct high cortisol levels?

Can CBD direct high cortisol levels?

There are many ways a person can fight elevated cortisol levels. One goes for a run, another uses relaxing gels, another adjusts the diet or tries to sleep at times. This guide will focus on the connection between cortisol and CBD.

Will CBD relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?

Will CBD relieve carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is accompanied by searing pain, the condition worsens rapidly and the chances of improvement diminish. Cannabidiol may be helpful, but it does not take away the trouble with a wave of a wand. A new regimen needs to be set up and the wrist relieved.

Can CBD prevent cold sores?

Can CBD prevent cold sores?

Over seventy percent of the population has the herpes simplex virus in their bodies. It usually alternates between phases of rest and activity, when the virus manifests itself as a painful, fluid-filled sore - a cold sore. The only thing left to do is to search and try what helps. CBD, with its anti-inflammatory effects, could have a chance of success, relieving the problem and even acting as a preventative.

CBD & Sport: Seven reasons why athletes should use cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD & Sport: Seven reasons why athletes should use cannabidiol (CBD)

The ability of CBD to support health is what makes it a perfect choice for athletes. Here is a list of seven reasons why CBD is so beneficial to them. The therapeutic value of CBD is already very well-proven. It turned out that this compound is an effective painkiller, promotes sleep, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Can CBD improve eyesight and eye health?

Can CBD improve eyesight and eye health?

A myriad of possible effects have been mentioned in relation to cannabidiol. But the eyes have always been off to the side. Could CBD have a positive effect on vision problems, and thus be helpful in trying to protect one of the most important human senses?

Can CBD deal with brain fog?

Can CBD deal with brain fog?

Until recently, it was a fairly unknown concept. In recent months, however, the phrase has become more and more common. The reason is simple. More and more people are suffering from it, regardless of gender or age. Long gone are the days when brain fog was waved away with the idea that all you needed was a few hours' sleep and a good meal.

Lyme disease is a tough nut to crack. What about CBD?

Lyme disease is a tough nut to crack. What about CBD?

Ticks have a premium in the summer months. They occur almost everywhere and get more aggressive every year. Lyme disease, which these inconspicuous parasites can cause, belongs to a group of mentally and physically very demanding diseases. In fact, treatment is only effective if it is diagnosed early.

CBD drops and rosacea - a solution on the horizon

CBD drops and rosacea - a solution on the horizon

Rosacea may seem like a trivial ailment that you wave your hand over, but any patient will confirm that it is a major inconvenience that limits comfort and parasitizes self-esteem. Fortunately, CBD can partially replace prescription drugs and show what's in it.

CBD and cancer: can CBD oil be used to fight the disease?

CBD and cancer: can CBD oil be used to fight the disease?

Cancer is a serious disease that kills millions of people worldwide every year. Scientists are therefore still trying to develop an effective drug that will reliably kill cancer cells. The lay and professional public is also pinning their hopes on cannabis. Can cannabinoids such as CBD help cancer patients? And if so, in what way?

What is CBD, and what can it do?

What is CBD, and what can it do?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant. For a long time, it has stood in the shadow of its psychoactive and dope-causing cousin – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD and anxiety: How it works and recommended regimen of using CBD

CBD and anxiety: How it works and recommended regimen of using CBD

One of the most common uses of CBD is to help relieve anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disease in the USA. They affect about 40 million adults – or 18,1 % of the population. The most common medical anti-anxiety procedure in the USA is the use of pharmaceutical medicaments, such as benzodiazepines, buspirone, antidepressants and beta blockers. It is, however, important to notify that these pharmaceutical medicaments – which have often serious side-effects – are not the only option of treatment. Except for therapy and self-care you can integrate CBD into your curative regimen for relief from anxiety with use of plants. And the best thing is that CBD is non-toxic, non-addictive and has very little (if actually some) side-effects.

6 uses of CBD in promoting mental health and well-being with evidence + side  effects of CBD

6 uses of CBD in promoting mental health and well-being with evidence + side effects of CBD

We should note that CBD is not an approved treatment for any mental health issues. It helps promote mental health and well-being when used in combination with other therapies. This usually involves dietary and lifestyle changes, the use of professional counselling or other supplements and medications. If you are suffering from serious symptoms of a mental health disorder, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible before turning to natural supplements such as CBD.


How can CBD help seniors?

You've probably heard of CBD and its effects, you may even have personal experience with the cannabinoid, but you've probably wondered if your grandmother, grandfather or older friends could benefit from CBD just as much as you. In the following article, we'll look at what CBD can help seniors with and what to look out for.

What to do if CBD doesn't work for you

What to do if CBD doesn't work for you

It can be a little daunting to think that CBD isn't working for you the way you think it should. While everyone's experience with this cannabinoid will vary, it's definitely worth finding out the root cause of why it's not working so that you too can enjoy the potential benefits CBD has to offer.

CBD and autism: can CBD help with its manifestations?

CBD and autism: can CBD help with its manifestations?

Cannabidiol is a natural substance from the cannabis plant that has gained enormous popularity over the past few years. It has a wide range of potential benefits for the human body, as well as the ability to help with the suppression of many symptoms of various health complications. In addition, it is a safe substance, and even in relatively high doses does not pose any major health risks to humans. There is hope that CBD can also help with the symptoms of autism and autism spectrum disorders. What do we know so far?

How to use CBD due to arthritis and joint pains

How to use CBD due to arthritis and joint pains

You will be surprised what smoking marijuana can do to joint pains. CBD does real miracles to people who suffer from joint pains. It can naturally help due to the treatment of pain, increase nimbleness and improve the general quality of life.

6 uses of CBD for pain and inflammation relief with evidence

6 uses of CBD for pain and inflammation relief with evidence

...plus the side effects of CBD

Cannabis products have been used to relieve chronic pain and inflammation for thousands of years. Only recently have scientists been able to analyze and understand how cannabis plants can offer so many benefits for combating pain symptoms.