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What do we know about the phytocannabinoid CBDP? Production, effects and comparison with CBD, CBG, CBN and H4CBD

What is CBDP and how is it made?

CBDP, or cannabidiophenol, was referred to as a synthetic compound until 2019. In 2019, the Italian team of scientists who discovered THCP identified it as a natural phytocannabinoid, isolated it from the cannabis plant, and named it CBDP. They were able to do this thanks to state-of-the-art techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS).

CBDP is therefore found naturally in the plant, it is the heptyl homologue of CBD (cannabidiol). The term homologue refers to chemical compounds of the same type that are similar in chemical structure and properties. Cannabidiol is also known as CBD-C7 and CBD-heptyl. The molecular formula is C23H34O2. While CBD has a five-membered side chain, CBDP has a seven-membered chain.

It is a semi-synthetic compound that is produced in the laboratory by isomerisation from CBD isolate (crystal form), which is the purest form of cannabidiol. Isomerisation is a chemical reaction in which a molecule, ion or fragment of a molecule is converted into an isomer that has a different structure.

It should be added that extracting CBDP directly from hemp would not be sufficient to meet commercial demand, which is why it is produced from CBD.


CBDP phytocannabinoid is created in the laboratory

Effects of CBDP

At the moment, there is a lack of studies that have thoroughly investigated how CBDP works in the body.

A 2018 study suggests that the length of the side chain in cannabinoid compounds may affect binding to cannabinoid receptors, suggesting that CBDP would bind better to CB2 receptors than CBD.

However, a 2019 study conducted by Italian researchers and published in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports suggests that CBDP has low affinity for both CB1 and CB2 receptors. This disproves the aforementioned theory that a longer side chain helps CBDP to bind more effectively to cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system.

Therefore, how strongly CBDP binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors will probably only be clarified by further research.

A 2021 study by the same Italian team investigating its potential against breast cancer suggested that the effects of CBDP were similar to those of CBD, but probably more potent, and it looks like it could help fight breast cancer cells. It also appears that CBDP could enhance the effect of some anti-cancer drugs already in use.

In this study, the researchers used a cell culture of the same type and then exposed it to the cannabinoid CBDP, which was able to create free oxygen radicals in the cancer cell. Free radicals are otherwise known to be damaging to the rest of the body, but in this case, their cell-killing property is being exploited. This reaction only takes place inside the cancer cell and does not interfere with any healthy cells.

Furthermore, the enzymes normally responsible for breaking down cannabinoids are blocked in the cancer cell. This prolongs the time that CBDP stays in the cell, which also prolongs its effectiveness. In addition, it also interacts with another enzyme called PMA, which increases intracellular (intracellular) stress in the cancer cell, leading to cell death. When CBDP was administered together with CBD, it enhanced each of these effects.

This could possibly be related to the so-called entourage effect, which is essentially the combined effect of compounds acting in synergy. It is thought to arise from interactions between individual cannabinoids, as well as between cannabinoids and terpenes. This means that one compound, for example CBD, can become more effective when combined with another, for example THC. But, of course, the reverse is also true, i.e. one substance can weaken one of the effects of another.

Although research on the potential against breast cancer looks promising, further research is needed to confirm the positive effects.

At the moment, it is not possible to say for sure how CBDP works in the body, what effects it has and its possible therapeutic potential. In the opinion of the Italian researchers, research into the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-epileptic properties of CBDP will continue.

User experience suggests that it is probably more potent than CBD and also does not produce a psychoactive effect.

Side effects

At present, there are no studies available that address the side effects of CBDP. The information so far is mainly based on observations and experience with other cannabinoids. It is already known that side-effects with CBD are rare and are a risk mainly at high doses.

Potential side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, changes in appetite, dry mouth and diarrhoea may occur with CBDP.

These effects usually subside within a short period of time and their intensity depends on several factors, including body proportions, age, metabolism and sensitivity of the user, the dose as well as the method of consumption.


Drowsiness is one of the side effects of CBDP phytocannabinoid

Comparison table: CBDP vs. CBD, CBG, CBN and H4CBD







Occurrence in cannabis

Yes, in minute quantities

Yes, the second most abundant cannabinoid in the plant.

Yes, it is the first cannabinoid produced by the plant at the germination stage.

Yes, it is a minor cannabinoid, present in the plant only in minute amounts.



Produced in the laboratory by isomerisation from CBD isolate.

Extraction from cannabis is done using extraction methods:


  • using carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • using solvents
  • extraction from vegetable oils


CBG is extracted from young cannabis plants, followed by extraction using one of the extraction methods.


Mature plants contain only 1 % CBG, young plants about 5 % CBG.


It is produced when THC is broken down (by heat, light and oxygen) and is, in simple terms, an oxidised version of THC.

CBD derivative, produced by a process called hydrogenation, four hydrogen atoms are added to the CBD molecule.

Psychoactive properties




Currently considered non-psychoactive.



It appears to have similar but probably stronger effects than CBD.

  • increased energy and concentration
  • reduction of inflammation
  • reduction of nausea
  • support in the fight against anxiety and depression



  • relief from stress and anxiety
  • improving sleep
  • supporting the immune system


  • relaxation
  • relieving pain symptoms
  • Sleep support



Legal status in the Czech Republic






Product offer

  • CBDP vapes and replacement cartridges
  • Flowers
  • hash
  • distillate
  • tinctures

The most widely used cannabinoid on the market.





  • H4CBD vapes and cartridge
  • H4CBD distillate
  • flowers
  • hash




Although the phytocannabinoid CBDP is found in the cannabis plant, in practice it is produced from CBD isolate; it is a semi-synthetic compound. It is the heptyl homologue of CBD. CBDP has a seven-membered side chain, whereas CBD has a five-membered chain.

In the experience of users, it is likely to be more potent than cannabidiol and is also non-psychoactive. However, there is currently a lack of research that has thoroughly investigated the long-term effects and possible interactions with certain medical conditions.

It is generally known that (semi)synthetic compounds can be considerably more intense than natural cannabinoids, which increases the potential risk of intoxication and overdose, which can lead to a 'bad trip'. Other (semi)synthetic cannabinoids include HHC, H4CBD, THCP, THCB, THCJD, THCH, THCO or HHCH, but unlike CBDP these have psychoactive properties.

CBDP products, usually vapes and cartridges, flowers, hash, distillate and tinctures, are already available on the market.

When buying any cannabis products, always choose trusted and vetted sellers who have their products tested by an independent laboratory.


Author: Canatura



Photo: Shutterstock

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