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How to clean your vaporizer correctly

If you have started using vaporizer only recently, your sessions must be pleasant and full of flavor. However, give it a month or two, and the quality of vapors can deteriorate dramatically. If you are a regular user, you can prevent it with usual maintenance. Along with excellent performance, including outstanding vapor flavor, good cleaning practice will also extend the life of the device.  Read the following step-by-step guide on how to clean your device.

Why is the cleaning of the vaporizer important?

Vaporizers provide a much more captivating experience in using herbs compared to smoking. Because the herb is not being burnt during vaping, there is no smoke, therefore, far less harmful substances occur. But even if vaporizing is much cleaner than smoking, it does not mean that sticky residue will not eventually accumulate inside your vaporizer - although it can happen more slowly and may be a little less noticeable. And the same as with other smoking devices, there are several good reasons why you should clean your vaporizer regularly.

1. Better taste and performance

When vaping, more and more remnants of juicy flowers are caught on different parts of the device. The heating chamber and ventilation openings get clogged, and the remnants can cover important parts such as heating coils.  This has a negative impact on the performance of the device and leads to compromised flavors. Clean your device often, and you will be rewarded with the best flavors and functioning.

2. Service life prolonging

If the essential parts of the vaporizer are covered with a sticky mixture of resin and herbal residues, and you do not clean it regularly, this can significantly reduce the service life of the device.  Worse, it could damage it for good if cleaning is neglected. Regular cleaning of the vaporizer is the best thing you can do to enjoy it for years.

3. Clean vaporizing is healthier

In addition to affecting taste or performance, a higher occurrence of deposits in the vaporizer becomes ideal breeding conditions for bacteria and other microorganisms, such as mold. These potentially harmful intruders can cause irritation and breathing problems and can lead to other health issues.

When to clean?

There are two strategies for setting the best cleaning cycle for your vaporizer. One of them is a daily cleaning routine carried out after each use. It is easy, and it takes only a minute or two.

The second one is a deep cleaning, which should take place once in one or two weeks. A thorough cleaning is also recommended when changing varieties or switching from flowers to concentrates / liquids or in reverse. Such extensive maintenance will let you enjoy your sessions carried out with an immaculate vaping device.

How to carry out the daily cleaning

Vaporizers are equipped with a small brush that can be used for standard cleaning. If the brush is not included in the package, you can use the one that comes with electric razors, for example. The bristles must be stiff enough so that you can remove harder deposits easily. If you do not have such a brush, you can use pipe cleaners or cotton swabs alternatively.

Empty the herbal chamber and use the brush or pipe cleaner to remove all the residual plant matter and other deposits. If a mesh screen is part of the heating system, make sure it gets your attention too. After cleaning the heating chamber and the mesh screen, use a pipe cleaner to get the mouthpiece done.

Finish up the cleaning procedure by sanitizing the mouthpiece and the vaporizer's outer parts with alcohol wipes. See, it is so simple!

How to perform a thorough cleaning

Dry herb vaporizer

If you wish to thoroughly clean a dry herb vaporizer, start with careful disassembling. Although dry herb vaporizers can vary, depending on the brand and model, they usually consist of similar parts such as mouthpiece, battery, heating chamber, mesh screen, etc.

Do not forget to read the manual, as it usually shows how to disassemble the device for cleaning without breaking anything.

- To remove any trapped plant material, carefully shake each part and tap it.
- Now get a brush or use a pipe cleaner and mechanically remove any residues from the parts.
- Pay special attention to the herbal chamber and mouthpiece, as these two are crucial for the performance.
- If there is a mesh screen inside the chamber, remove it and clean it too.
- A clogged mesh screen is the most common reason related not only to the poor performance of the device but also to vapor flavor.

After the brush treatment, use 99% isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab (or pipe cleaner) to clean the herbal chamber, mesh screen, and mouthpiece. Alcohol should be able to remove the most resilient residues that have accumulated over time.

Tip: If some parts are too dirty and cannot be easily cleaned, soak them in 99% alcohol solution for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse everything with clean water and dry using a paper towel. For example, it works particularly well with totally covered mesh screens. They will shine as new again!

- Now remove the battery, clean it, and also clean the compartment. Now remove the battery, wipe it, and also clean the compartment where the battery sits. As the last step, put the vaporizer back together and also wipe it from the outside.

Concentrate vaporizers

Concentrates are particularly sticky, so cleaning concentrate vaporizers is especially essential. Residues from concentrates can be very tough to clean, but nothing that you should not be able to do with the help of isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs.

Refer to your device's manual and remove all the parts to get them ready for cleaning.

- Take off the mouthpiece and open the heating chamber.
- Get a cotton swab and dip one end into isopropyl alcohol.
- Be especially careful when cleaning the heating chamber. The chamber consists of a heating coil, which is usually a delicate part that can get damaged when using too much pressure.

- Now clean the heating chamber with the cotton swab carefully. If necessary, use a fresh cotton swab and repeat the step until no residues are left.
- Once the heating chamber is done, move onto the mouthpiece.
- If the vaporizer includes them, do not forget to clean all the other parts, such as any filters, glass tubes, or a metal mesh screen (If some of them are too sticky, soak them in alcohol solution for half an hour).
- Now open the battery compartment, remove the battery, and clean them both carefully. Wait a few minutes until the alcohol dries out, and then put the vaporizer back together.

Vape pens

If you own a vape pen, go by the following advice:

Start with careful tapping at the pen to free any herb residues that may have gotten stuck inside. Always do so above a desk as some vape pens may contain small parts, such as mesh screen, which can get easily lost. Now open the pen as described in the manual in order to access all the parts for easy cleaning.

Grab a small brush, which usually comes with the pen, or use a pipe cleaner, and thoroughly clean the inside of the pen. If your vape pen is equipped with a detachable heating chamber, remove it and clean it separately.

As for a vape pen particularly, it is essential to clean the threads, as they often hold plant matter and other residues. Use a cotton swab and dip it into alcohol. Clean the heating chamber, including its top part with the thread. After you are satisfied with the result, use the dry end of the cotton swab and make sure the thread is nice and dry. Grab a fresh cotton swab, dip it into alcohol again, and do the same with all the threaded parts of the vape pen.

Now here comes the step that can result in a significant difference in how your vape pen can regain its outstanding performance. Carefully remove the glass, ceramic, or metal mesh screen (depends on the model) and soak them in a glass of isopropyl alcohol for 20-30 minutes. Then gently polish them and let them dry out. They should be as good as new now. Put the vape pen together. Now it should work just like the day you lit it the first time.

Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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