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Does CBD relieve reflux?

What is reflux?

Esophageal reflux troubles both children and adults. It is a digestive disorder in which gastric juices leak from the stomach into the oesophagus, causing unpleasant burning and suppressing the appetite. The esophageal sphincter, which stands halfway between the stomach and esophagus, fails to perform its function, is flaccid and cannot keep food in the digestive tract (in this case, the stomach). Heartburn and a bitter and sour taste in the mouth occur. Vomiting is common in young children, which exhausts and dehydrates them. In adults, signs of reflux occasionally occur. However, if it is a frequent occurrence, where stomach juices get too 'high' and the problem is accompanied by difficulty swallowing, unpleasant taste, heartburn, pain behind the breastbone, burping and bloating or excessive constipation, you need to take action.

Many people think that reflux cannot be controlled and automatically reach for commonly available medications. These will temporarily help and relieve it. However, there are a number of situations that exacerbate reflux, and the patient can limit or eliminate them to keep the instances where gastric juices 'travel' to a minimum.

The most common causes of reflux include:

  • Irritating foods (chocolate, citrus fruits, spices)
  • Acidic beverages (wine, coffee, alcohol)
  • Herbs (peppermint)
  • Excessive portions (overeating puts a lot of strain on the esophagus and stomach)
  • Stress (tightness of the body)
  • Overweight (increases pressure on the esophageal sphincter, which then sends back gastric juices at the slightest discomfort)

When it comes to impact problems, there is no need to worry. This is a common phenomenon that almost everyone deals with now and then. However, if you experience complications with heartburn and all the associated symptoms more than twice a week, it is probably gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and medical attention is necessary.

Can CBD help with reflux?

A 2017 study suggests that cannabidiol interacts with the endocannabinoid system, exhibits antisecretory effects (minimizes juice production) on stomach acid, and may alleviate inflammation occurring in the digestive tract. However, these are preliminary conclusions and further research and tests are needed to confirm these assumptions.

CBD can bind to cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract, which can help soothe soft muscle tissue and regulate muscle contractions in heartburn. It is therefore possible that it eliminates the production of gastric juices and subsequently prevents an inappropriate response once reflux has occurred.

No products, meaning over-the-counter drugs, prescription medications or CBD, can quell the symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) unless the patient modifies their lifestyle and follows the rules to not subject the digestive tract to excessive pressure and irritation. However, in 2018, a report came out where experts claimed that modifying your diet is the first prerequisite to quell reflux.

However, the authors cautioned that studies looking at lifestyle and dietary changes in this disease are not sufficiently conclusive.

It recommends that the following be observed:

  • Minimize smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Eat adequate portions of food
  • Do not eat during the night (only small amounts during shift work)
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods
  • Do not lie down when in trouble (pressure on the abdomen makes trouble worse)


Careful when choosing

Cannabidiol is available in many flavours and forms. For reflux, the user must choose accordingly so that neither causes reflux.

CBD-flavoured drops are becoming increasingly popular, as the natural taste of the oil is not to everyone's taste, and fruit or herbal ingredients are a way of toning it down (without adversely affecting the effects of the CBD). Products with added citrus or peppermint can irritate the digestion and cause reflux despite a serving of CBD, which is supposed to have a calming effect.

It is similar with the form. Most users prefer CBD oils or capsules. However, it may be that drops, because of their specific taste, cause a tightening of the digestive tract and capsules or tablets cause a foreign body sensation. One is much more sensitive to every bite when reflux occurs. This is why CBD sprays can be an ideal way to ingest cannabidiol.


CBD can inhibit muscle contractions in the digestive tract and prevent the production of gastric juices. However, patients should first adjust their lifestyle, especially their eating style and stress levels. If you already opt for cannabidiol, keep in mind that not every flavor and form is ideal for gastroesophageal reflux, and capsules or citrus oils may even worsen the problem.



Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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