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Does CBD help with cellulite? 4 steps to remove cellulite fast

What is cellulite and how does it form?

The war against cellulite is mainly waged by women. In fact, roughly 9 out of 10 women have it, and it doesn't matter if they are of plump proportions or slim build. Men can rejoice - only 1 in 50 have cellulite. This is because women have 2 times more fat cells under the skin than men, which is related to preparing the body for pregnancy.

Cellulite is the result of fat cells accumulating under the skin. This accumulation of fat is followed by poor drainage and water retention. At the same time, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are compressed and collagen fibres are altered. Eventually, the skin tissues become profoundly destabilised and lose their elasticity. The skin itself changes its appearance and has an irregular surface - a padded/puckered appearance. So much for the question of how cellulite arises.

Even if you are in good health, exercise regularly and your diet is ultra healthy, it is possible to have a bit of orange skin. Keep in mind that it's completely normal, natural, healthy and sometimes hereditary.

Causes, how does cellulite manifest and where does it occur?

Cellulite is simply a part of life, although women in particular sometimes find it difficult to cope with. It is usually triggered at some point in life by a particular factor, which can be:

  • inappropriate diet
  • an unhealthy lifestyle
  • lack of physical activity
  • hormonal disorders
  • prolonged exposure to stress
  • constant sitting
  • crossing your legs
  • wearing tight clothing, etc.

And how does cellulite manifest itself? When fat deposits make their way through the connective tissue under the skin, they push through and cause dimples and bulges to form. This is exactly the moment when you may notice orange skin on your skin. 

Cellulite is most commonly found on:

  • thighs
  • buttocks
  • stomach
  • the lower abdomen
  • arms

In any case, once it forms and settles, it's a pretty tough nut to figure out how to get rid of it. I'm sure you've noticed that already, right?


jak vzniká a jak se projevuje celulitida

Does CBD help with cellulite?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural extract derived from the cannabis plant that contributes to stress, anxiety, and pain relief and alleviates some pathologies without causing psychoactive effects. Cannabidiol is now an indispensable part of the wellness and cosmetic industry. A key ability of CBD that comes in handy in the fight against cellulite is its possible property to increase collagen production in the body. If CBD really does contribute to increased collagen, we could rejoice. 

To understand how CBD helps cellulite, we need to explain how it works in our body. Cannabidiol interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body, which is responsible for regulation and homeostasis in the body and controls vital organ functions. This includes the skin. 

An earlier study looking at animal cells suggested that CBD may help convert white fat into brown fat, which helps burn calories. A systematic review from 2022 suggests that cannabidiol has an anorexigenic effect that is related to weight loss. However, further research is needed to elucidate the potential mechanisms involved in the effect of CBD on appetite and weight loss.

Cannabidiol also has anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to the alleviation of various skin problems. One research has suggested that CBD has the potential to reduce excessive sebum production. This is more good news, as it makes it a promising therapeutic aid for treating acne.

Another study reported that cannabidiol appears to be an anti-aging antioxidant and that it is more effective than vitamins C and E.

In addition to showing the potential to improve skin quality and support the fat removal process, CBD also helps to reduce the pain that cellulite can cause thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, for some people, squeezing these areas can be very painful.

Wondering how to get rid of cellulite? Cellulite is caused by an increase in body fat, so it is essential to eat healthily and exercise. To really reap the rewards, combine a balanced diet, plenty of exercise and CBD. 

CBD is usually used in combination with other natural ingredients to produce various types of cosmetics. 

It is possible to get CBD products for cellulite in the form of:

The above CBD products are reserved for external application only. 


co pomáhá na celulitidu - CBD olej

Tip: Do you already have an anti-cellulite cream? Add a few drops of CBD oil every time you use it.

Cellulite oil range

CBD oils can be taken sublingually (if they are designed for that purpose) or applied directly to the skin. It is a hemp extract that combines a cannabinoid extract from the cannabis plant and a carrier oil. The most commonly used carrier oils in CBD oils are hemp seed oils, which are oils from hemp seeds.

Hemp seed oil helps to boost the skin's defenses and its hydrolipidic mantle. It directly contributes to increasing ceramide levels in the skin, thus affecting its elasticity, softness and ideal hydration. Hemp seed oil together with CBD work in synergy. Both substances support each other's effects, thus greatly contributing to skin care, especially thanks to their regenerative abilities.

For example, try these oils for cellulite:

4 steps to quickly remove cellulite

When you apply CBD topically, it is absorbed into the skin and collects inside the sebaceous glands. CBD oils and topical creams can also help reduce stretch marks. The following 4 steps can help you reduce cellulite.

1. Brush the body followed by application of CBD oil for cellulite

When using CBD oil, combine massage and body brushing to jumpstart the removal of toxins. Experts state that the best time to brush is when you have dry skin. So apply CBD oil just after brushing.

Brushing will improve lymph flow and stimulate blood circulation. This gentle, tactile technique will promote the drainage of excess lymph fluid from the tissues and its transport through the lymphatic system. The technique is performed with little pressure using special strokes at a slow frequency with a brush that usually has natural bristles.

2. Massage

The best thing you can do to combat flaccidity? Try combining CBD essential oil with massage. If you're trying to rid your body of cellulite, circulation plays a key role. When cellulite appears in your hips and legs, it's usually because blood circulation is slow in these areas, so massage can increase it. 

Don't be afraid to apply some force to cellulite. Make strong and firm movements to stimulate blood flow and increase water retention, which will benefit the skin.

3. Use a body scrub for cellulite

Don't have time for regular massages? Try combining the application of CBD oil with a caffeine body scrub, for example. Caffeine can stimulate the skin, which leads to it looking tighter and much fuller. 

You can find a variety of natural body scrubs on the market. Scrubs are particularly useful because their texture can help exfoliate the skin and even out the appearance of cellulite by unclogging pores

Choose from our range of natural hemp scrubs for cellulite:

4. Try hemp teas and CBD infusions

Aside from massages, you can also include drinking herbal hemp teas. You can buy or make your own tea from CBD flowers/resin or by adding a few drops of CBD oil to green tea. In fact, green tea also has antioxidant properties that are particularly interesting for removing toxins and burning fat. 

If you combine these steps, cellulite will disappear much faster and your health will appreciate it too.


jak rychle odstranit celulitidu

How long does it take for cellulite to disappear?

It must be stressed that CBD is not a miracle ingredient that will make cellulite disappear overnight. To make CBD as effective as possible, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle at the same time.

If you add oils and creams containing cannabidiol (CBD) to your healthy lifestyle and massage yourself daily, you will likely see positive changes within a few weeks.


Remember, cellulite is a normal phenomenon that you shouldn't obsess over. However, if you want to get rid of it, you need to eat healthy and indulge in plenty of physical activity. CBD can help reduce the visibility of dimples, you can try topical application of hemp oils, creams and peels and you can consider drinking teas. 

Topical application is ideal as absorption is quick and it works directly on the skin. It is also recommended that you massage the areas in question to break up the fat cells and make the cellulite disappear faster. You can find plenty of CBD-containing products on the market, and more and more are being added to the world of cosmetics. 

If you are interested in hemp cosmetics, also follow us on our YouTube channel to learn more about the products and their uses.

>>Discover hemp cosmetics<<


Author: Canatura

Photo: Shutterstock

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