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Does CBD have the potential to reverse unwanted stretch marks?

What are stretch marks?

Simply put, stretch marks, also known as pajizévky, are a type of scar caused by rapid and severe stretching of the skin tissue. They usually appear as streaks of lines stretching across the skin. Stretch marks are very common and it is estimated that up to 90% of people have them.

They can appear almost anywhere, but are usually found on:

  • The abdomen
  • Breast
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

How do stretch marks form?

Common causes of stretch marks include sudden growth or rapid weight gain or loss. 

Stretch marks arise for 2 main reasons:

  • Stretching of the skin
  • An increase in the amount of cortisone in the body

Cortisone is a hormone naturally produced by the adrenal glands. However, too much of this hormone can lead to loss of skin elasticity.

The occurrence of pimples is more likely if:

  • You are pregnant
  • You are going through puberty
  • You lose or gain weight rapidly
  • You are a woman
  • You are overweight
  • You use certain types of steroid creams/tablets
  • Do you have anyone in your family with stretch marks

Rarely, pimples can be caused by a condition called Cushing's syndrome.

Most often, stretch marks appear for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy - a growing tummy can lead to stretch marks.
  • Growth spurt - which often occurs during puberty.
  • Weight fluctuation - rapid and extreme weight loss/gain.
Initially, stretch marks appear as a thin red or purple line of a different texture than the surrounding skin. Most stretch marks fade over time and may become less noticeable. Faded stretch marks are usually lighter in colour than the surrounding skin and have a slight sheen, similar to a scar.


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How does CBD help with stretch marks?

With science increasingly finding that CBD not only relaxes but also improves skin condition, it's no wonder that many people are turning to CBD-containing cosmetic products to combat stretch marks.

CBD (cannabidiol) is known for its calming properties. It is often used to promote mental well-being, for example. CBD oils are also widely used for skin problems. 

CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant. Throughout the body, research shows that cannabinoids play an important role in balancing the biochemistry of the skin, as well as affecting its regeneration and protection.

Cannabinoids work by cooperating with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body. The ECS regulates a large number of physiological processes, including the immune system, digestion and emotions. It is also involved in skin processes such as cell growth and renewal. Through the ECS, CBD also appears to have the ability to influence recovery from skin conditions, including scarring and stretch mark formation.

For example, one study suggests that CBD ointment and cream can be safely used to improve the quality of life for people suffering from various skin conditions. However, there is not yet a study that looks at the benefits of CBD oil specifically for stretch marks. However, looking at the many natural properties of CBD, this plant compound seems like a promising candidate for reducing the impact of stretch marks.

An important property of CBD that is particularly useful in terms of stretch marks is its likely ability to increase collagen production in the body. The more collagen present in the skin, the stronger, firmer and more elastic it becomes. This increases the skin's ability to resist stretching, which in turn reduces the possibility of stretch marks. However, the fact that CBD can help to increase collagen is very good news when it comes to the battle against unwanted stretch marks. 

Other research suggests that CBD can help reduce the appearance of scars when applied topically.

Products with CBD also contain antioxidants and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory potential. When you add to this the ability of CBD oil to accelerate cell renewal, it seems that CBD cream is an ideal product to use for stretch marks. Although more research is needed, CBD has a variety of properties that can support skin tissue.

When CBD is applied topically, it is absorbed into the skin and collects inside the sebaceous glands.

It is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women refrain from using CBD. However, there are currently no detailed studies that report explicit dangers of CBD use during pregnancy. It is therefore recommended that you consult your doctor before using CBD for stretch mark reduction.

CBD products for stretch mark treatment

Are you thinking that it might be worth trying the positive properties of cosmetics with CBD? We've selected 6 products that will support your skincare routine and can be beneficial in the fight against stretch marks.
The oil contains only 2 ingredients: hemp seed oil, hemp. 
In addition to CBD, it also contains hemp seed oil, shea butter, beeswax, macadamia, rosehip and almond oil.
Lavender scented ointment is good for healing fresh tattoos and minor scars or burns, counteracts nail fungus and helps heal cold sores.
Hemp balm effectively treats dry, itchy and cracked skin. 
The cream also contains hyaluronic acid, panthenol, dermosoft decalact and of course CBD and hemp oil.
Contains no CBD, but a blend of nourishing plant oils that contribute to better skin elasticity and faster skin regeneration.


jak pomáhá CBD na strie


Tip: To replenish collagen, try Hemnia or Cannor's collagen drinks. 

What helps with stretch marks? More practical tips

Although none of the following options will completely remove stretch marks, they may make them less visible (fade). 

Table: Natural remedies for stretch marks

Natural Remedy


Link to studies

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, known as a retinoid, can improve the appearance of the skin and reduce stretch marks. It is available in cosmetic creams.

Hyaluronic acid

May help improve skin elasticity and potentially affect the appearance of stretch marks.


The herb Centella asiatica is used in cosmetics to reduce inflammation and promote collagen formation. 


Sugar scrubs can exfoliate the skin and improve the appearance of stretch marks. A homemade scrub can be easily prepared by mixing sugar with oil (e.g. coconut oil).

  • Microdermabrasion performed by a dermatologist is one of the few clinically proven methods that make stretch marks disappear. So it seems that home exfoliation scrubs are worth a try. 

Coconut oil

Can help maintain the skin's protective barrier.

Aloe vera

May help soothe and moisturize the skin.

Table: Medical treatments - what helps stretch marks

Medical treatments


Link to studies

Laser therapy

Therapy can stimulate collagen production and help stretch marks fade and blend in with the surrounding skin. Multiple sessions are required.


This method removes dead skin cells and can reduce the severity of stretch marks.


Microneedling stimulates collagen and elastin production, which can help stretch marks improve their appearance. The procedure is performed in the deeper layers of the skin.

Radiofrequency therapy

This therapy uses energy to stimulate collagen production and can help firm the skin. Some variations combine radiofrequency with microneedling for a deeper effect.

Chemical peels

Peeling exfoliates the skin and promotes collagen production. It could improve the appearance of stretch marks. 

What about stretch marks in pregnancy and what about stretch marks after childbirth?

If you're pregnant, you'll probably start noticing stretch marks on your belly (and elsewhere) around the turn of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, when you're in the 6th to 7th month of pregnancy. But sometimes you may notice them earlier.
Whether you get stretch marks is related to the elasticity of your skin. Genetics are usually to blame: if your mother had stretch marks, there's a higher chance you will too. Lifestyle habits, including good eating habits and regular exercise, also contribute to skin health and elasticity.
What about stretch marks during pregnancy and after childbirth, you ask? Moisturize and massage your stretch marks. According to one study, massaging with oil/cream is not harmful at all. Some research suggests that products with the herb centella or hyaluronic acid may help prevent stretch marks, but the evidence is not entirely clear. 
Pregnancy stretch marks usually lighten to a less noticeable (and easier to hide) silvery grey or light shiny colour within 6 months after giving birth. If you are still bothered by stretch marks after giving birth, talk to your dermatologist/doctor about other treatment options.


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Wondering how you can prevent stretch marks? The best way is prevention, which includes: 
  • Adequate drinking
  • A balanced and healthy diet
  • Regular exercise 

These 3 points can help you prevent stretch marks caused by sudden weight gain or loss, even during pregnancy. If you are trying to gain or lose weight, consult a dietician. His or her support will help you permanently and safely reach your ideal weight, which also helps to reduce the likelihood of developing piderosis.

Remember, there is no sure-fire way to prevent stretch marks completely, even if you put on creams regularly. In addition, medical treatments are often expensive and even these won't guarantee that stretch marks will completely disappear.


If you are considering using CBD for stretch marks, you can try nourishing skin care in the form of CBD oils and CBD ointments and creams. Their use is safe for any skin type, including sensitive skin. They are also used for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rashes, as well as wrinkles and burns. You can also make your own hemp ointment.

CBD can also be useful for treating other types of scars. However, keep in mind that although cannabidiol can help the skin to recover due to its nourishing care, it is not a guarantee that stretch marks will completely disappear. You can also check out our YouTube channel for more helpful tips, information and product reviews.


Author: Canatura  

Photo: Shutterstock

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