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Convection vs. conduction heating in vaporizers

No vape feature is more important than its ability to effectively and efficiently heat one’s herb. The argument between conduction and convection centers on heating the object.

The oven style has a huge effect on one’s vaping experience. This is why it is suggested that new users make a decision on conduction or convection before taking any other decision. Conduction vaporizers have been available for a long time and they utilize the traditional method of heating liquids or herbs. They are still very much popular in the market and some old users would rather not use anyother type.

However, convection vaporizers are the new herb vap emodels in the market. Their mode of thermal transfer isquite different from that of conduction vaporizers. This gives users a superior vaping experience.

Differences between conduction and convection vaping

Basis for Comparison




Conduction vaporizers make use of direct heat contact with the herb to heat up their content. As a result of the herb being indirect contact with the walls of the compartment, it becomes vapor.

Convection involves the transfer of heat via a medium such as

Temperature control

Conduction enables the user to have more controlover the temperature intensity.

Users have almost none control over temperature intensity.


They require little or no maintenance

They need regular maintenance to reduce
the risk of breakdown


The units are quite affordable but they are not complex.

As a result of various complicated chambers, itis a bit


Direct heat from the energy source can burn the herbs thus increase one’s risk of inhaling smoke.

The heat source has no direct contact with the herbs. Thus, it isn’t possible for them to burn.

How convection works in vaporizers

A typical convection oven utilizes heated air to warm chicken for example. This ensures that the meat is evenly heated and no part is burnt as there was no direct contact with the source of heat. These vaporizers function under the same principle of heat transfer in convection.They operate on the principle of transferring heat via a medium such as moving fluids.Convection vaporizers utilize moving fluids such as steam to enablethe heat transfer. This infers that one would get an evenly heated herb if the oils and herbs have no direct contact with the heat source.

For this to be possible, it means the vaporizer needs to have more compartments. The liquid oil or the herbs should stay in a different compartment spate from the heat source. They should not beclose to each other. The heated fluids should have sufficient space to move around to the compartment housing the herbs and liquid.

Convection vaporizers have a whole lot of advantages and it would be a wise decision to invest in one. One of the main advantages is that there is no combustion risk. This is because the heat source has no direct contactwith the herbs. Thus, it isn’t possible for them to burn. Itis imperative to know that combustion cause the production of ash and smoke. If the herb gets burnt, the inhaled vapor gets mixed with dangerous chemicals and smoke. Another advantage of convection vaporizer is proportionate heating.

The molecules of hot air envelopes the oils and herbs and ensure that each area gets heated up at the same time thus improving the steam’sflavor.

The only issue with convection vaporizers is their speed. They are quite slow and need more heat to be sufficient for the liquids and herbs.

How conduction works in vaporizers

Unlike the convection vaporizers, the conduction vaporizers make use of direct heat contact to heat up their content. This principle is similar to boiling water on a cooker. The water gets heated up because it is in direct contact with the cooker that is heated.

Conduction vapes have a straight forward and simple principle. The coil is heated as a result of the energy from the battery. There after, the ceramic or metallic compartment with herbs is heated. As a result of herbs being in direct contact with the walls of the compartment, it becomes vapor.

Most recent vaporizers utilize conduction to heat up their content. The principle of conduction enables the user to have more control over the temperature intensity. The heat intensity can be reduced or increased with the help of a knob and this effect is immediate.

The huge advantage of the conduction vaporizers is their affordability. The unit is not complex and doesn’t utilize as many components as the convection vapes. It is a perfect option for new users that are hesitant on investing much.

Another benefit is that these vapes do not need much maintenance. It isperfect for people who need a unit that requires fewer repairs and upgrade. It is also perfect for beginners who might be overwhelmed with multiple parts.

Unfortunately, conduction vapes are not without some disadvantages

One issue is that they are no longer popular. Some of its cons have made it lose popularity in the market. Top of its cons is the high risk of combustion. As stated earlier, direct heat from the energy source can burn the herbs thus increase one’s risk of inhaling smoke. This affects the taste and leads to the inhalation of harmful chemicals.
Another issue with conduction vape is uneven heating. The only parts of the herb that gets heated up are the parts in direct contact with the coils. Users usually have to rattle the chamber to achieve even heating.

Conduction vs. convection – which one is better?

The illustration shows difference, but does not explain the benefits. Selecting the perfect vaporizer is a function of one’s preferences. It depends on factors such as one’s volume of consumption, budget, smoking content and regularity. For instance, folks that utilize dry herbs might prefer convection vaporizers as they stand little or no risk of inhaling dangerous smoke.

For people that are new to vaping with a low budget, it is advisable to start with a cheap and easy-to-use conduction vape. This will help you know if vaping is good for you and if you would like to continue vaping. Both convection and conduction vapes carry out their functions.

Conduction vapes are:
- easier to use,
- cheaper,
- heat up faster.

Convection vapes are:
- ensure even heating,
- deliver a better kick,
- ensure a stronger flavor,
- ensure temperature control to prevent the herbs from getting burnt.

For folks whose major determining factor is their budget, a conduction vape is the best bet. They are usually a one-and-done acquisition. This implies that there would not be any need to buy replacement parts or upgrades. Replacements are very cheap to purchase if they break down due to overuse.

This is quite unlike convection vaporizers that are more expensive and quite complicated to operate. They also need regular maintenance and upgrade to reduce the risk of breakdown. They also need to be cleaned from time to time. If one can afford this regular maintenance and updates, the convection vapes are a perfect choice. They would cost more but they would also benefit the users more in the long term.

Summing up

Modern technology has helped make both options beneficial to users. Thus, selecting any of the two is a matter of personal preference. Even though it is more difficult to keep the conduction vaporizer clean, they produce a vapor that is tasteful and stronger than the convection models. Some users have also complained of the tendency of their vapes to get hot when using the conduction vaporizer. Overheating is also possible in conduction vapes. The hotness of the vape depends on the material used in the device and the insulation. Both vape types can offer their users many benefits. They can as well cause a lot of issues depending on usage.

Vape users should also know that both types of vape are used in different manners. People that utilize a conduction vape might need to grind their herbs to fine particles to get a better experience. However, thisis not as important for convection-style vapes as the heat flows evenly and heats them consistently.

Ideally, the bes tvape for new users is conduction vape. They are easier to operate with and use. They also require less cleaning and maintenance. On the other hand, old users might prefer the convection vapes as this offers a better taste. In conclusion, users need to carry out their research to know which type would be better for them.

Author: Canatura

PHOTO: iStock

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