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CBD and plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis and heel spur

An unpleasant stabbing pain appears especially in the morning. What exactly causes it? Let's first clarify the terms. The plantar fascia is a tendinous formation on the foot that is crucial for walking. If the soft tissue is overstressed for a long time, it can develop small tears, inflammation (fasciitis) and even the formation of new bone - heel spurs.

What contributes to ligament overload and is therefore a risk factor?

What is CBD and how can it help?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the active ingredients in cannabis. Recently it has been very popular, as it has been shown to have effects on a wide variety of ailments, while having no psychoactive effects and very few known side effects. Its use is legal in the Czech Republic. 

Currently, we do not have research that focuses directly on CBD and plantar fasciitis. However, we can take a closer look at how cannabis counteracts unpleasant pain and inflammation. 

The effect of cannabinoids on pain

A large-scale study, drawing on a series of research studies completed between 1975 and 2018, concluded that cannabis is not only effective in the overall treatment of pain, but also has only mild to moderate, well-tolerated and transient side effects.  However, it is important to note here that medical cannabis has been studied, which contains the 'whole plant', other cannabinoids in addition to CBD, including the psychoactive THC, and THC content is only allowed up to 1% in cannabis products in the Czech Republic. 

Rat met CBD

In 2015, the University of Kentucky experimented with CBD gel on rats with arthritis. After four days of testing different doses, it was found that 6.2 mg per day reduced swelling, inflammation and pain.

The findings were supported by further research a year later, in which topical CBD administration reduced inflammation and suppressed pain in rats with osteoarthritis.

Both studies consider CBD to be a safe therapeutic agent in the topical treatment of pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis without apparent side effects.

Sounds good, doesn't it? But how has CBD fared in human trials?


To, jestli může CBD ulevit od projevů plantární fasciitidy, není jisté. Výzkumy došly k nejednoznačným výzkumům. Kanabidiol ale mlůže ulevit od přidružených potíží.

Embarrassing conclusions of further research

In 2021, patients with hand osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis were given CBD or placebo, with no difference in effect on pain intensity. It is possible that the dosage or the fact that it was synthetic CBD influenced this result.

The analgesic effects of CBD were not confirmed in further research in the same year. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, pain tolerance was examined in non-cannabis-using volunteers. The pain ratings of participants who received CBD were even higher compared to placebo volunteers.

All we can say with certainty at this point is that we know very little, and this issue needs further research. 

How to use CBD in plantar fasciitis?

If you want to try CBD and see for yourself how it works for you, you have several options. It can be taken internally (most commonly as an oil) or applied topically as a gel or ointment directly to the painful foot. Alternatively, you can combine the two.

Internal use

The best known and most popular form of use is CBD oil dripped under the tongue, in food or in a drink. 

If you want to make dosing easier, choose capsules or candy. Each piece has the exact amount of CBD advertised and you have less to worry about.

In any case, we recommend choosing products with a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum extract. CBD isolates do not contain other cannabinoids that may have an irreplaceable purpose in pain management. There is a theory that substances from the cannabis plant work best together. It is important to know that THC is also present in full-spectrum products. Over-the-counter products in the Czech Republic will always have up to 1% THC.

External use

There are a number of ointments or gels on the market, often in combination with other herbs. In the case of plantar fasciitis, for example, a gel with a cooling effect that promises quick pain relief is worth considering. If you desire a longer-lasting effect, reach for ointments, which are generally slower to absorb.

To avoid an allergic reaction, always test the product before use, for example on the inside of the wrist, and observe any side effects such as itching or skin irritation 

What are other treatment options for plantar fasciitis?

Is CBD not your thing, or do you just want to try something different? There are a number of other ways to combat the pain caused by plantar fasciitis.

What can you try at home?

  • icing
  • rest
  • braces
  • anti-inflammatory drugs

Your physiotherapist will give you good advice on sore feet. He or she will suggest comprehensive exercises to strengthen your muscles and help you choose aids such as orthotics and insoles.

Your doctor may also offer you a corticosteroid injection directly into the damaged area of the affected ligament or suggest so-called shock wave therapy, which uses pulses of sound waves to promote healing of the affected ligament.

There are some side effects to consider with this treatment, including:

  • bruising
  • swelling
  • pain
  • numbness

If nothing helps, the problems have been going on for a long time and have not subsided, surgery may be an option. 


CBD has received a lot of attention in recent years and has an important place in the treatment of inflammation and pain management, not least because it has only mild side effects.There is currently no research that focuses on CBD and plantar fasciitis.

However, it would be foolish to believe that with the help of CBD, diseases, ailments and inconveniences will magically disappear without looking more into their causes.
Before deploying treatment for plantar fasciitis, the question of what caused the problem is in order. A consultation with a physiotherapist, proper footwear or a change in lifestyle may be the way to pain-free walking.

If you decide to try CBD for plantar fasciitis pain, consult your doctor first. This is especially important if you are currently taking any medications or dietary supplements.

And is CBD even legal?

Yes, it is. Cannabis products containing up to 1% THC are legal in the Czech Republic from 2022. However, this may not apply beyond our borders. If you are planning to travel out of the Czech Republic, always check the current laws in your country.



Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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