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CBD and libido: Can CBD improve your sex life?

What is low libido?

Low libido is a decrease in the frequency and/or intensity of sexual desire. The condition can be temporary or long-term.

Libido refers to your desire for sexual activity, which includes both sex with a partner and masturbation. Sexual desire is influenced by biological, psychological and social factors. Biologically, libido is controlled by sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) and neurotransmitters (e.g., dopamine and oxytocin).

Each person's natural libido varies and can change over the course of a lifetime. It is not possible to make blanket statements about what is and is not a right or wrong level of libido, it always depends on your preferences and life situation. Some people have an appetite for sex every day, whereas others may only have an appetite a few times a year or not at all. 

Low libido can be caused by several conditions or circumstances, including:
  • health problems
  • stress
  • mental health conditions
  • hormonal imbalances
  • certain medications (antidepressants, antipsychotics, chemotherapy drugs and blood pressure medications)
  • ageing
  • relationship problems

How does CBD affect libido?

CBD, or cannabinol, is the second most abundant compound in the cannabis plant. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and its popularity is booming due to its potential relaxation and health benefits. It can help combat stress, anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality and induce a sense of calm. Its potential effects can be beneficial for relieving pain and inflammation, joint pain, diabetic complications, nervous system protection, and skin problems.

A widely debated question is whether CBD and THC increase or decrease libido. The truth is that no cannabinoid directly improves sexual desire. At least not in the sense that some other aphrodisiacs or sexual stimulants do. Instead, CBD works in a more passive way.

Cannabinoids work by working with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body. The ECS regulates a large number of physiological processes (homeostasis), including the immune system, digestion, and emotions. 

CBD increases libido indirectly by addressing other factors that can negatively impact libido - such as stress, lack of sleep, nervousness about anticipated performance, pain, and more. We know that people enjoy better sex when they are relaxed, stress-free and pain-free. This may seem obvious to you, but the reality is that many people don't meet these conditions, and realizing the link between mental or physical stress and decreased sex drive can be complicated.

When your body is stressed, sick or generally out of balance, it doesn't focus on reproduction. The result is symptoms that are collectively referred to as "low libido." 



Is CBD an aphrodisiac?

Traditional aphrodisiacs typically support your body's health, which can boost your libido. There are very few aphrodisiacs that are direct sexual stimulants. Most of them are simply adaptogens or generally health-promoting herbs. When we are healthier, we are "hornier". It's that simple. You can think of CBD in a similar way. It's not that CBD directly increases libido, but it relaxes the body and regulates homeostasis (balance). This ultimately leads to higher sex drive and/or better sex.

In this sense, CBD can be considered an aphrodisiac. Its effects can last for several days or even weeks. It won't have much of an impact on people who aren't stressed or imbalanced, but that's not the case for many people these days.

CBD and painful intercourse

Pain during sex has been experienced by almost every woman at some point. For many, it is a long-term and recurring problem. While it is recommended that anyone who feels pain during sex for a prolonged period of time should talk to their doctor about it, it turns out that only about half of women tell their partners, let alone their doctor. Painful sex can occur for many reasons, but one of the main causes is dryness. Vaginal dryness can cause painful friction and irritation during and after sex. 

There are many causes, including menopause, low libido or HSDD, side effects of birth control or other medications. This is where CBD lubricant comes in. CBD lube is like any other lubricant, but it is enriched with CBD.

The benefit of CBD in these products is threefold:

  • Directly relieves pain
  • Relaxes muscles to further reduce friction (the lubricant component takes care of most of this)
  • Prevents or reduces inflammation caused by friction (inflammation leads to pain)
If you're experiencing painful sex for other reasons - endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or PCOS, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can work to soothe irritation and reduce pain for these conditions as well.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects at least 10% of women. This may be due to misdiagnosis of symptoms with many possible causes and poor care for women who suffer from pain. PCOS is a syndrome that affects hormones. It is often caused by high testosterone levels, lack of ovulation and high insulin levels. One of the main symptoms of this disease is low libido. It can further lead to pain during intercourse due to vaginal dryness.

Other symptoms include weight gain, depression and infertility. A diagnosis of PCOS can really change your life. It is important for any woman who has irregular periods, excessive facial hair or ovarian cysts to discuss possible PCOS with her doctor.

Can CBD help with PCOS?

When it comes to treatment, doctors are still researching what works best. It largely depends on what symptoms you have, whether you're trying to get pregnant, and many other factors. However, CBD can help manage some of the symptoms of PCOS. PCOS sufferers can take CBD to help maintain insulin and blood sugar levels, as well as to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. This requires long-term use of CBD (orally).

Some studies show that CBD increases insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to regulate blood sugar more easily. CBD can also relieve anxiety - a common side effect of PCOS.

CBD and HSDD (hypoactive - reduced sexual desire)

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is a disorder characterized by low sexual desire in women. It can take the form of low sexual desire, absence of sexual fantasies and lack of desire for sex. Similar to erectile dysfunction, this disorder can become a major cause of psychological difficulties. Patients may feel embarrassed and many cite it as a reason for problems in personal relationships.

So far, there are few studies that address the question of why HSDD occurs in women and how to address the problem. The only drug designed to combat this problem is flibanserin, which has a number of negative side effects such as depression, insomnia and hypotension, not to mention that users cannot drive for six hours after taking the drug. Many doctors and researchers believe that HSDD may be linked to depression or stress. So it is possible that CBD, as a powerful stress reliever, may offer help with this condition.



CBD and erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can arise for many reasons - from stress to high blood pressure to tobacco use. In both young and older men, a common cause is nervousness about anticipated exercise. Many men feel that sex is a highly stressful affair in which they must give a flawless performance. Ironically, this pressure can make the performance itself difficult. Performance anxiety, coupled with societal pressure on men to perform sexually at virtually any time, can make it difficult to achieve and then maintain an erection and to maintain a high sexual desire overall.

It is important to remember that there is no reason to be embarrassed about ED. In the Czech Republic, erectile dysfunction affects approximately half of men between the ages of 35 and 65. Many men struggle with this problem with the help of medications such as sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis). However, they often resort to medication too soon. They want to solve the ED problem "ASAP" with prescription drugs that change the way blood flows to the penis. This is a "physical" fix because it affects the anatomy of the penis. Most cases of ED are not caused by a physical problem. Rather, it is a psychological problem brought on by pressure to perform and stress. This means that the best treatment is to address the problem of anxiety and nervousness, for which CBD is particularly useful.

ED medications carry with them a number of side effects such as diarrhea, headache, priapism and more. Unless absolutely necessary, they are best avoided. However, as already mentioned, ED can also cause physical problems. If you suffer from ED, talk to your doctor about other options.

How to use CBD in ED

There have never been any official studies on the effects of CBD in treating ED, but there are many anecdotal reports of men who have used it successfully for mild to moderate ED.

CBD is specifically used to alleviate performance anxiety that causes ED especially in young men. CBD in this case is taken in the form of oil at least an hour before intercourse. Sexologist Diana Urman reports that CBD puts users in a better mood, breaks down inhibitions and generally eases nervousness. All of this together allows for better sexual performance.

As for external administration (CBD lube), Urman says CBD can cause increased sensitivity, which can make it easier to achieve an erection during foreplay. Its use can also lead to better and more intense orgasms.

CBD and sex: What the research says

For some people, CBD works wonders, while others feel no difference. Some studies even point to a lower sex drive in men who use cannabis (THC). Other studies have found that cannabis increases sex drive in users who do not experience the side effect of THC intoxication in the form of increased prolactin levels. Research has not yet yielded clear conclusions about cannabinoids and sex, but researchers support the idea that CBD may improve various aspects of sexual health due to its potential to relieve anxiety and pain.

When you're relaxed, inflammation is reduced, as well as stress, and you're likely to feel more aroused. When you're aroused, all aspects of sexual performance work better, including erections, vaginal wetness, and many others.



Interaction of CBD with medications

When using CBD for libido enhancement, it's important to check for possible interactions with other medications. If you are taking medication for ED, it is a good idea to take a lower dose of CBD to avoid the amplified effects of CBD and ED medication. None of these substances interact directly, but CBD or other cannabinoids can slow down the metabolism of prescription drugs, increasing the chance of side effects. Interactions also commonly occur with anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, blood thinners, and antihypertensives (blood pressure medications). While the chances of a negative drug interaction are small, it is important to rule out more serious interactions. If you are taking any prescription medications, it is advisable to talk to your doctor before taking CBD.

Table: Practical advice on how you can increase libido

Don't expect a miracle pill for low libido, as there is no such thing. The desire for sex is based on a complex interaction of many conditions that affect intimacy, including physical and emotional well-being, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle and relationship status.
Below you will find useful remedies that can help increase libido in women and men. 

Tips for increasing libido


Include specific fruits in your diet

Although there isn't much scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of certain foods, it doesn't hurt to experiment.

For example, figs, bananas and avocados are considered aphrodisiacs. In addition, they contain important vitamins and minerals that can promote increased blood flow to the genitals and help maintain a healthy sex life.

Follow a healthy and balanced diet

Adhering to a nutritious diet can benefit you by promoting blood circulation and heart health.

A diet rich in vegetables, low in sugar and high in protein can help prevent disorders that affect libido.

Get enough sleep

People with hectic lifestyles don't always have time to get enough sleep. Busyness also makes it difficult to find time for sex.

A small study on women suggested that a longer sleep the night before increases their sex drive the following day. Women who reported longer average sleep times reported better genital arousal than women with shorter sleep times.

Sweeten your day with dark chocolate

Cocoa promotes the release of chemicals (such as serotonin) that can induce certain aphrodisiac effects and improve mood.

Experience the power of herbs

The study Natural Aphrodisiacs - A Review of Selected Sex Boosters states that there is limited information on herbal remedies to improve sex drive, but there is emerging data that herbs such as maca, tribulus, ginseng and ginseng can improve sexual function.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy body weight can improve sex drive, both physically and mentally. 

Some researchers link overweight and obesity to low sex drive and reduced fertility

Look inside yourself

Focus on how you feel. Because how you feel in your body affects how you feel during sex.

A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you feel more connected to your body and improve your self-concept.

Set aside time for stress relief

(Try meditation, yoga or Tai Chi exercises, for example.)

Some research suggests that stress, especially in women, negatively affects sex life.

Men, on the other hand, can use sex as a means to relieve stress. Sometimes these differences in approach cause conflict, and this ultimately escalates stress between partners.

Take control of your relationship and work on its quality

For many people, feeling emotional closeness is key to sexual desire. Unresolved conflicts can negatively affect sexual desire and frequency of intercourse. 

Focusing on improving the relationship includes things like scheduling date nights, undertaking activities together outside the bedroom, communicating openly, and setting aside time to see each other.

Dedicate yourself to foreplay

Better sexual experiences can increase the desire for sex. In many cases, you can improve your sexual experiences by spending more time touching, kissing, oral cuddling, and using sex toys. 

Try therapy

Therapy can help boost libido. Relationship counseling can help address factors that affect a partner's sexual desire.

Research has found that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness can be helpful for some women with sexual dysfunction.


Treatment modalities

The cause of the problem often determines the method of treatment. The doctor may recommend a change in treatment or medication that is causing the decreased sex drive. Some people may be helped by individual counseling or sex therapy, others by lifestyle changes.

Estrogen therapy: An option to increase libido in women

In women, female sex hormones, such as estrogen, affect sexual desire. A decrease in libido and sexual function occurs at menopause, when estrogen levels drop. In this case, estrogen replacement therapy can help. 

Systemic estrogen therapy involves taking a pill that increases estrogen levels throughout the body.

Topical estrogen (cream or vaginal ring) works topically and helps with vaginal symptoms such as dryness. Before using it, talk to your doctor about the risks of taking hormone therapy.

Some birth control pills may reduce the desire for sex. If you suspect that birth control is affecting your sex drive, talk to your doctor about changing the type of pill.



Testosterone treatment for men

Libido in men is mostly related to testosterone levels, which naturally decrease with age. Testosterone replacement therapy in the form of topical patches or injections can be helpful in combating this.

One systematic review suggests that in men with testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism, testosterone replacement therapy can lead to improved libido, reduced depression and improved erectile function.

So far, there is limited evidence to support the claim that certain foods or dietary supplements actually increase testosterone levels and sexual activity. Some research suggests that zinc, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids may be key dietary components for testosterone.

Conclusion: is CBD an aphrodisiac?

CBD is not an aphrodisiac in the true sense of the word, but there is strong evidence pointing to its ability to increase libido and sexual satisfaction through indirect action. Because CBD supports overall health, relieving anxiety, pain and inflammation, one of the effects is often a better experience of the sexual act.

Whether you suffer from a disorder that causes you to have a low libido or you just wish to improve your experience of sex, CBD lubricants and oils can bring you an increased sex drive and better sex.

If you're concerned about reduced libido, your doctor can offer advice and information about possible causes and treatment. Experts in alternative and complementary therapies can help you choose natural solutions.


Author: Canatura  

Photo: Shutterstock

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