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Cannabis in pregnancy

Across Canada, some states of the USA and other places in the world, legalization of therapeutic and recreational marijuana provides an increasing number of people with free access to cannabis. This provokes questions on different topics, such as combining marijuana with other drugs and narcotics, a combination of marijuana with various health issues, and also the use of marijuana during pregnancy.

The last problem raises increased doctor´s concerns. They can observe an increasing amount of patients who consume cannabis or its concentrates. Among those people, many women smoking marijuana during pregnancy can be found (including cannabis foods consumption or other methods of use) in order to control conditions, such as morning sickness, etc. Whereas many women insist that marijuana is effective to the mitigation of common difficulties associated with pregnancy, the research indicates that expectant mothers should stop using it - even during breast-feeding after giving birth.

Use of marijuana during pregnancy

How many women are using marijuana during pregnancy? Studies performed during the last years have brought diversified numbers. One study conducted in pregnant women in a governmental program about food supplements in Colorado implied that almost 20 % of women consume marijuana during pregnancy. Other estimates range from 3 to 30 %. At the end of 2018 Statistics JAMA Paediatrics published estimate on number of pregnant women using cannabis, it has doubled in the last 20 years. However, this study states the current number of around 5 %.

Whatever the real numbers are, many experts are certain that any acquired statistics most likely state numbers lower than what the reality is, as many pregnant women hesitate with the cannabis use admission, especially where the cannabis is not yet legal. Marijuana is on the scale of substances used by pregnant women, probably right after alcohol and tobacco leading to real concerns from its effects.

Why do women use marijuana during pregnancy?

If it is true that a vast number of women are consuming cannabis during their pregnancy, a question of why it is like that arises. Whereas some female recreational users do not manage to stop, even when they are pregnant, other women turn to cannabis in order to relief difficulties occurring during pregnancy. Some of the women feel that marijuana works better than medications by prescription or non-prescription drugs.

Because women often hesitate to ask their doctors about risks vs benefits of marijuana smoking during pregnancy, they only rely on pieces of information and advices on the internet. Marijuana and pregnancy have become a controversial topic. Many people defend its safety. Due to searching on the internet, you will encounter many pages on social media and groups dedicated to the women who decide to use cannabis during pregnancy for medical reasons. A few of many difficulties are:

Morning sickness

One of the most common reasons why women consume marijuana during pregnancy is dealing with morning sickness, nausea and low appetite. In addition to that, they do not feel well, another reason is the concern from insufficient nutrition of the pregnant mother - especially in case of medications against sickness failure.

Even though cannabis has been examined as a successful treatment of sickness on patients receiving chemotherapy, it has not been studied as antiemetic on pregnant women. Nevertheless, the researchers discovered that 277 out of 400 dispensories in Colorado recommended cannabis as a treatment for morning sickness.


Some of the expectant mothers use marijuana to help with pain - either with pains they have suffered from before pregnancy or with back pains, which appeared or worsened during pregnancy. Cannabis provides relief to these women even when no-prescription ointments and medications against pain failed. At the same time, they feel that cannabis provides a better alternative to opiates and other strong medications by prescription.

Anxiety and insomnia

The fluctuation of hormones and changes in the body can cause anxiety, irritation and insomnia due to pregnancy. Those turned marijuana in an attractive treatment as it has been studied for its ability to reduce anxiety and support sleeping for a long time. Varieties with a high content of CBD are particularly effective, and some women, who used marijuana during pregnancy state that it is the only solution helping them to deal with mentioned difficulties during this period.

Methods of use

It is well known for many years that smoking cigarettes during pregnancy is not detrimental only for mother, it is also harmful to fetal development as well. Some studies indicate that smoking marijuana carries the same risks in terms of carcinogens and other toxins, leading some women to choose to vaporize marijuana or to consume foods or tinctures to prevent smoke inhalation.

Vaporization, foods and tinctures still require the consumption of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids. These cannabinoids enter the mother's bloodstream, through the placenta to the fetus. Many experts assume that the use of these compounds - especially THC - could be dangerous for both, the mother and child.

Dangers resulting from marijuana use during pregnancy

Considering that marijuana was legalized in many places and is often used as a cure of various illnesses and difficulties, it led many people to assume that it is a natural substance to be safely used in all circumstances, including pregnancy. Marijuana is both, a medication and recreational substance - equally, like any other substance, it can have a negative impact on mother and her baby. What are the effects of marijuana smoking during pregnancy? Unfortunately, the evidence shows that marijuana use is not by far harmless for pregnant women and developing fetuses. American Academy of Paediatrics discussed dangers by showing instructions from 2018 warning women not to use marijuana in any form during pregnancy.

Dangers for pregnant women

While some women use marijuana to treat morning sickness and some other issues which occur during pregnancy, pieces of evidence show that cannabis can cause or aggravate other problems or even dangerous health conditions.

A study from 2015 published by the British Medical Journal discovered that pregnant women suffering from anaemia are at higher risk of anaemia if they use marijuana before or during pregnancy. The same study found out that cannabis use increases the risk of abortion.

Another possible problem caused by marijuana use during pregnancy can be the risk of faintness and vertigo. It can be caused by increased heart rate and decrease of blood pressure - two side effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In addition to these issues, impaired memory and coordination contribute to deteriorated brain functions experienced by women during pregnancy.

Risks for fetal development

If marijuana can influence a pregnant mother, what about her child? Does marijuana smoke influence pregnancy? Researches show that using marijuana during pregnancy can reduce blood flow and oxygen in the placenta. Concerns about how THC and other cannabinoids can influence the child alone exist. After the mother uses cannabis, substances go through the placenta, causing that the THC level in the baby's blood to rise by one-third to one-tenth of the mother's THC level.

The same study in the British Medical Journal, examing anaemia, marijuana and pregnancy, also discovered that babies born to women who used marijuana during pregnancy were shorter and often required time in intensive neonatal care.

Numerous studies show that marijuana harms adolescent's brain, where some researches link cannabis use in adolescents with lower IQ. Based on these findings, the scientists also assume that it is not healthy for brains of unborn babies either.

Studies show that marijuana exposure to a fetus can leave permanent consequences after the birth. In the article published by the magazine Future Neurology scientists wrote about how a prenatal exposure of cannabis causes a range of adverse effects in infants - from exaggerated reactions to bad habits. Studies also discovered that infants whose mothers consumed marijuana during pregnancy, suffered by abnormal sleep patterns and increased muscle tensions. How children grew older, they experienced deteriorated performances, lack of concentration and hyperactivity.

After pregnancy: marijuana during breast-feeding

Even if the woman abstains of marijuana use during pregnancy, many of them assume that it is safe to start using it again after the child is born - even if they breast-feed. There have been only a few studies on the impacts of marijuana use on breast-feeding and those that were performed, gave highly contradictory results. Two smaller studies from the 80s brought contradictory results, from which one did not prove any signs of the growth delay and the second showed a development delay in infants whose mothers consumed cannabis during breast-feeding. (Note: in the second study, mothers consumed marijuana also during pregnancy.)

One thing is certain: marijuana passes into breast milk. Because THC binds to fat, breast milk is a particularly suitable resource. A study from 2018 published in the magazine Paediatrics outlined how 34 samples of breast milk of 54 women who used marijuana, detected THC. The samples of stools from the infant of a mother using marijuana show accumulation of THC metabolites.

Even though the amount of THC in breast milk is low, scientists are not sure if even a low level is not bad for health. Dr Christina Chambers, the principal researcher of the study, said for UC San Diego Health they have discovered that the amount of THC which a child could potentially take, was relatively low but they still do not know much about the drug to be able to say if there is a harmful dose for a child or not. Or if there is any safe level of dosage.

Chambers also pointed out that the content of THC in today's marijuana is much higher than it was in the 80s when the original studies took place. The research discovered that the THC levels in the 90s - a decade after first studies of breast-feeding - were 4 % on average, while an average content of THC in 2014 was 12 %.
CBD and pregnancy

If the consumption of THC brings specific risks, many women think about using cannabidiol (CBD), nonpsychoactive cannabinoid. CBD was studied for its ability to reduce nausea, suppress pain, calm the anxiety and support calm sleep - many from problems that afflict women during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, scientific studies about CBD oil and its influence on pregnancy development are too insufficient for doctors to be clearly for or against its use.

Performed studies emerged that CBD can lower uterine contractions. However, the study was conducted on cells outside the body, questions if CBD can reduce the contractions while a woman pushes, emerged. In the meanwhile, other studies about CBD and pregnancy discovered that CBD could reduce placental defensive functions, which means that external compounds can pass through placental barrier more easily and reach the fetus.

If further studies about the influence of CBD oil on fetal development - and specifically studies on pregnant women are not performed - many doctors will be reluctant to use CBD, but they will also hesitate to recommend patients to avoid it.


Cannabis and pregnancy are a hot topic, and the internet is deluged by information about THC and pregnancy, as well as discussions about CBD oil and pregnancy. Several questions often occur when speaking about marijuana consumption during pregnancy.

Is it common that women smoke marijuana during pregnancy?

Estimated number of women who consume marijuana during pregnancy range from 3 to 30 %. Because marijuana and pregnancy is such a controversial question, the experts assume that the real numbers are slightly higher, and many women hesitate to speak about it with doctors.

What are the benefits of smoking marijuana during pregnancy?

Many women say that smoking marijuana during pregnancy (or consumption by vaporization or foods) helped them with difficulties, such as morning sickness, anxiety, pain and insomnia. However, studies performed over the years indicate that risks outweigh benefits.

Is smoking marijuana during pregnancy harmful?

Marijuana use during pregnancy is a personal choice, even though studies about cannabis and pregnant women uncover possible risks. These include the possibility of miscarriage, lower birth weight, infants with increased Moro reflex and abnormal sleep patterns, as well as problems with hyperactivity and deteriorated performance in little children.

What about the vaporization of marijuana or consumption of CBD during pregnancy?

While smoking marijuana brings inhaled toxins into the body, vaporization or consumption of marijuana foods during pregnancy still delivers THC to the bloodstream. Regarding the use of CBD oil during pregnancy, there is not enough studies to prove or disprove its safety.

Author: Canatura

PHOTO: iStock

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