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Can CBD prevent cold sores?

What is herpes?

Herpes is a virus. Most of the time, it is in a dormant (latent) phase in which it does not multiply and does not cause disease. However, once immunity is compromised and the body has to cope with illness or stress, it manifests itself in the mouth (HSV-1) or genital area (HSV-2). This does not mean that HSV-2 cannot be the source of cold sores on the mucous membranes of the mouth and vice versa. The only way to check the type of virus is with a mouth swab and a laboratory test. Transmission is possible through saliva (sharing glasses or cutlery, kissing, oral sex, etc.) or direct skin-to-skin contact.

What are the symptoms of herpes zoster?

Most people don't even know they have herpes. They only find out when it makes itself known in the form of boils or other unpleasant symptoms. The situation is worst in the first few days, after a week the symptoms gradually start to subside. But the virus remains in the body for life. Its activity depends on the state of the organism and its immune system. For months, herpes simplex can "sleep undisturbed", only to make itself painfully known at an unexpected moment. Moreover, it is highly contagious at any stage. In the dormant phase, the risk is of course lower than in the active phase, when infection is almost inevitable, but transmission can occur even between people without visible signs of ongoing infection. How does the virus manifest itself?

  • Tingling and tingling - the place where the cold sore appears itches and burns at the very beginning
  • Boils and blisters - they become infused with fluid and cause swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Flu-like - there may be increased temperature, muscle and joint pain, weakness, malaise, swollen lymph nodes
  • Eye infections - if the cold sores spread a lot, they can affect the eyes and cause burning or discharge

Does CBD oil prevent herpes?

Conventional treatment for cold sores includes the drugs Zovirax or Valaciclovir. They work and manage to suppress the manifestations of the virus, unfortunately they can cause a number of side effects such as irritability, hypersensitivity, lack of appetite, insomnia and fatigue. The best alternative is a combination of lysine, vitamin C or lemon balm and CBD. Another advantage is that the oil may contain the terpene limonene, which is commonly found in citrus fruits and has strong antiviral effects.

Outbreaks of herpes usually occur during an illness such as a cold or flu, during prolonged periods of intense stress, or as a result of taking immunosuppressive drugs. Once the virus goes from a dormant to an active stage, it attacks the cellular tissues of the mucous membranes. This is why outbreaks are most common in the mouth and genitals. Cells affected by the virus become severely damaged, causing immunoregulatory white blood cells to fight the infection. The site becomes sore, swollen and blistered.

The ideal form of CBD for cold sores

After taking CBD in any form, cannabidiol begins to react with the endocannabinoid system, binding to its receptors and thus acting indirectly to boost immunity. In the long term, oral or sublingual administration in the form of capsules or drops (adequate amounts under the tongue) is the best choice, but vape pens are recommended for the fastest onset of effects due to their high bioavailability. Topical preparations are not excluded. In the uppermost layer of the skin (epidermis) there is a high concentration of CB2 receptors (part of the endocannabinoid system).When inflammation occurs in the form of a cold sore, cannabidiol immediately binds to them and can provide relief from tension and pain.


Full spectrum oil versus isolate: which one is better for cold sores

CBD is one of more than 100 compounds that belong to the cannabinoid group. In addition to CBD, the full-spectrum extract oil also contains other compounds naturally occurring in the cannabis plant, such as CBG (cannabigerol), CBC (cannabichromene), CBN (cannabinol) and THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), as well as aromatic terpenes. These substances are mutually supportive in their effects, acting synergistically - contributing to the so-called 'entourage effect'.  CBD isolate carries with it all the effects associated with cannabidiol, but compared to full-spectrum products, it is depleted of other components and thus the effect whereby the individual substances complement and mutually reinforce each other's action on the human body and the suppression of disorders is eliminated.

Mistakes when using CBD (to fight cold sores)

  • Cannabidiol needs time, sometimes as long as two weeks, to be effective against cold sores. It is best to take it preventively and continuously draw on its possible effects.
  • Avoid untested products and look for analyses, tests and certifications to prove the manufacturer's quality in terms of composition and production.
  • Do not use products with parabens, sulphates or irritants. They have many side effects and worsen the condition of the cold sore.

How to apply CBD oil?

CBD drops are commonly administered under the tongue (sublingually), where they enter the bloodstream within a few minutes and can take effect. A reasonable amount of oil can also be applied directly to the cold sore and left to act topically. This can reduce the inflammation and pain associated with it and reduce the swelling, itching, swelling and redness.

CBD can be antiviral, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving and thus helpful in the treatment of herpes. However, it is important to allow enough time for the healing process, avoid stress and include appropriate and non-irritating herbs (such as lemon balm).



Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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