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Can CBD deal with brain fog?

What is brain fog?   

It is a condition in which a person's concentration is impaired and cognitive functions are not as dexterous as at other times. He or she has difficulty making decisions and concentrating and uses a disproportionate amount of energy for each task. Reactions are slow and performance in personal life and at work declines sharply.

The question remains whether brain fog is a warning of impending or imminent trouble or a consequence of neglect. On the one hand, the fog may be a response to treatment for Lyme disease or covid, on the other hand, it may be a precursor to Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, where cognitive and motor functions take a direct hit.

Brain fog has many causes. But it is always related to hormonal imbalance, which in most cases is self-inflicted by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Food in the main role

A lot of people are not able to admit what a well-adjusted diet can influence. Eating styles (vegan, vegetarian, vitarian, paleo) and diets must be designed to contain all the important nutrients and supply the body with the necessary nutrients without the need for supplements. Once the body starts to become deprived, it becomes much more susceptible to disease, the munitic system and some organs become restricted, and it is the brain that reacts with brain fog.

Sugar intake is also related to food. A balanced sugar level is crucial for smooth brain function. When it fluctuates, insulin increases, causing fog.



Lack of exercise

Regular physical activity is important for overall health and brain oxygenation. If the brain is deprived of oxygen, it becomes depressed, dull, reactions are slower and brain fog is only a step away.
 But movement isn't just good for the brain, it's good for all the organs. Just a brisk walk and you'll feel a surge of energy, a better mood and sharper senses, stretch your joints, bring your deeper muscles to life and improve your digestion.

Underestimated sleep

The ideal state is when a person sleeps seven to nine hours a day. But few people meet this. Suddenly it may not be a problem and the body will cope with such a shortfall fairly quickly, but with a prolonged lack of time for rest and recovery and trying to make up the shortfall with stimulants, a whole host of problems such as chronic pain, weight fluctuations, moodiness, a decrease in libido, hormonal imbalances and just brain fog can occur.

The dreaded stress

It's a vicious circle. Stress accompanies people almost constantly. At home, at work, at sports, with your partner and children, in the car, when shopping. And in the end, even during sleep, when you first reflect on the events of the day and then fall into a state of confusion because you don't have enough time to rest. It is easy to say that you should eliminate the influence of stress, but putting such advice into practice is almost impossible.

Stress blocks the body's natural processes and negatively affects the functions of individual organs, causes hormonal imbalances, worsens skin conditions, causes pain, digestive problems, mental problems and brain fog. The goal is not to get rid of stress completely, but to minimize it so that it does not affect health.

Covid is to blame

Covid affected the whole world. More than 580 million people were infected and nearly six and a half million did not survive. So the death rate is one tenth of one percent. Health problems that stick with patients for months after contracting the disease affect about a fifth of them.

It can be a tendency to colds and a compromised immune system, shallow breathing, muscle tension or just brain fog. The latter has become a hallmark of an overwhelmed covid. A study has shown that in patients who have had a mild form of the disease, two inflammatory markers, C-reactive protein and amyloid A, have been found in the cerebrospinal fluid.

CBD is the ideal prevention

In addition to the above-mentioned causes of brain fog, prescription drugs can also trigger it. In addition to dry mouth, nausea or malaise, this is another typical side effect. Not all health problems can be solved by natural means, so there is no defense against brain fog in this case.

A holistic way to avoid brain fog is by taking CBD. Research is increasingly suggesting a link between cannabidiol and promoting sleep and appetite, reducing pain, anxiety and stress, 'replenishing' energy or reducing inflammation. Beyond the common problems, there is also talk of effects on autoimmune diseases or reproduction. However, more extensive tests to confirm the hypotheses are lacking. Animal experiments (although successful) are not enough.
CBD is a potent nootropic that impedes cognitive function. It works both as a preventative and as an immediate relief for problems. While brain fog disrupts sleep, impairs perception of stress, impedes concentration, and intensifies fatigue and pain, CBD can in turn alleviate these symptoms. Symptoms of illness limit a person a lot in everyday life, and cannabidiol can dampen their negative impact and prevent problems from worsening and the development of more serious problems such as depression, anxiety or Alzheimer's.

With brain fog, it more or less doesn't matter what form CBD is taken in. For acute conditions, sublingual administration is best, with effects occurring within minutes. For long-term and preventive use, both capsules and CBD gummies are suitable.



Author: Canatura

PHOTO: Shutterstock

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